Shopping in Trancoso

Trancoso offers a variety of shopping options, from small shops selling handmade crafts to boutiques selling high-end fashion and jewelry. Here are some popular places to shop in Trancoso:

    Quadrado - The Quadrado is the heart of Trancoso and is lined with small shops and boutiques selling handmade crafts, clothing, and other souvenirs. Visitors can find unique gifts and mementos while enjoying the local culture.

    Nativus - Nativus is a boutique located on the Quadrado that sells high-end fashion and accessories from Brazilian designers. The shop features a mix of contemporary and traditional styles.

    Souvenir shops - Trancoso has several souvenir shops selling a variety of locally-made items, including handmade ceramics, jewelry, and artwork. These shops are a great place to find unique gifts and souvenirs to bring back home.

    Silvana & Cia - Silvana & Cia is a boutique located on Praia dos Nativos that sells clothing, swimwear, and accessories made from natural materials such as cotton, linen, and silk.

    Espelho D'Água - Espelho D'Água is a boutique located on the Quadrado that sells a variety of fashion and lifestyle items, including clothing, accessories, and home decor.

Overall, Trancoso offers a variety of shopping options to suit different budgets and tastes. Visitors can find everything from handmade crafts and souvenirs to high-end fashion and jewelry, all while enjoying the town's charming atmosphere and local culture.

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